Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I didn't know what to put for my title. I am never going to lose wieght.

Day one at school. We are invited to eat dinner provided by the advanced class. Our chef warns us, never never never deny any thing they present to you to eat...ever. Fine, i'll just be fat forever. Salad w/a balsamic vinegaretette, Penne w/ sausage & eggplant, finished w/a pecan brownie w/a sauce of brw. sgr & butter poured over bananas. And a cup of water.

Day two at school. Oh what do you know we are invited to eat again. Romaine salad w/a citrus mint dressing. Pancetta, mushroom risotto (very heavy) and stwb shortcake w/whip cream. And a cup of water.

P.S we eat around 10pm at school.

I am trying to stick to cereal in the mrng, lean cuisine at lunch and something small before leaving to school, around 5ish. To tide me over. Exercise.. I park on the 5th level for school and take the stairs. And do my stretches every mrng. And I am still drinking all of my water and staying away from any other sgr loaded drinks. I think if I start reading my scriptures every day i'll start to lose wieght. I am going to start that tonight. I'll update my results in a week.

Good luck to all. Meow meow meow .Luv huki & diddy.

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