Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Presidents Day!!

Well the day started off GREAT. I finally made it to the gym!!! I got there at 8:00 this morning, Man I wish I could do that everyday.

I did 30 minutes on the bike=330 calories burned, then 15 minutes on the treadmill=81 callories burned. Got home had a yogurt and some cheerios for breakfast.

Then things went downhill. On the way to the zoo, had a Wendys chicken sandwich and a cup of mandorin oranges. Some cheese crackers. Walked around the zoo for about 2 hours then we went to PF Changs. Do i really have to list EVERYTHING I ate there? At home had a handfull of melting chocolates, some chocolate frosting, another bowl of cheerios, and a swig of Juicy Juice.

Well at least I got to the gym, I really really really want to go tomarrow, I am just so tired by the time Terry gts home. Cross your fingers for me.

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